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KaPuSaO CAD Software package

The computer program KaPuSaO is a software package intended for recording and administering road phenomena, traffic signals (horizontal and vertical), traffic accidents, as well as other road equipment and road infrastructure.
The CAD software platform AutoCAD 2015 (64bit) and newer is required for the program to function.

The program itself consists of several thematic segments:

1. module deals with recognizing the geometry of the road axis and adjusting it to the reference stations of the national road reference system
2. module that deals with entering and recording signaling, road phenomena, and equipment
3. module for designing horizontal traffic signals
4. module for recording traffic accidents
5. a module that enables data import and export, as well as the creation of reports, line inventory, etc.
6. Module KaPuSaO – GPS Video, which deals with the connection and full georeferencing of video material recorded using a dynamic method with the help of a specially equipped vehicle with calibrated and synchronized GPS and video equipment, for the purpose of entering and recording the current state of the above-mentioned road infrastructure elements

Work in the program takes place within the AutoCAD work environment, which enables a large base of users to easily adapt to work, and a familiar environment, so getting to know and mastering all aspects and functions of the KaPuSaO program is easier and faster.

The basic task of the program is to record and sort data on all elements of the road and road infrastructure, on a suitable CAD platform, which also serves as the basis for a database of all the mentioned elements and their accompanying information.
For this reason, all program entities (except the axis of the road section) are defined as blocks with accompanying data packages on all relevant factors.
Inside the software is an integrated tool for searching and filtering data, which enables the formation of relatively complex queries, but with a significantly simplified interface that does not expect the user to know more complex technologies for database queries (SQL queries).

This approach enables the creation of inventory tables and/or estimates of elements selected on the drawing using the standard method, or through the described filtering and selection tool.

Marking individual elements is simple, and according to the set options within the KaPuSaO program.


1. Module for work on recognizing and defining the axis in the situational plan

The module consists of a series of simple tools necessary for the interpretation of recorded point data, and adjustment with the formation of the geometry of the shaft (section); as well as axle handling parts that are the initial data and reference system of each set of equipment, phenomena and signaling because they are later linked to stations and offsets that directly depend on the defined axis of the section.

Commands (for working on the formation of the axis geometry):

PLCONVERT – command that converts 3D POLYLINES to regular (LWPOLYLINE) POLYLINES. Select the 3D polyline to be converted into a regular polyline, and select whether to delete the original 3D polyline (preferably delete)
POLYCOMBINE – a command that throws points in the middle between two selected polylines (polylines obtained by passing vehicles in two directions). One polyline at a time is selected, and the command then pops points in the middle
REGLINE – command for linear regression on a selected set of points. Select the points, which represent the direction, and the command throws out a line (best-fit) by the method of least squares.
DIRECTIONS – a command for throwing out several directions on a selected longer stretch, with the criterion of maximum deviation from a single point. (Effect as multiple REGLINE commands at once)
FREEARC – command for interactive formation of a circular arc, between dbe selected tangent (line). Select the first and second tangent lines, and then the step that changes the value of the radius of the curve.
FREEPKP – command for interactive formation of a simple road curve (crossing-roundabout-crossing), between two selected tangents. Select the first and second tangent lines, then the step that changes the value of the radius of the curve, and the ratio of the transition parameter to the radius of the curve (A/R) – the preferred range of values ​​is from 0.333 to 1.0.

After forming an axis with curved shapes, and joining it into a continuous axis, it is necessary to create one polyline from the axis (PEDIT command – Join option).

Defining axes (sections) is done through a dialog window that is started by clicking on the “Road Sections” button.

The dialog has a list of sections currently defined in the open drawing, as well as a number of commonly used functions related to working with sections.

Defining and working with sections in a drawing

Options for working with shares offered through the displayed dialog window:

o Defining new sections (streets and roads)
o Stationing of sections
o Display of the selected section on the active drawing
o Removing the selected section from the list of sections in the active drawing

There are also two menu lines in the dialog that contain the following functions:
– Display:
o Displaying data on the selected section
o Display of traffic equipment for the selected section
o Display of all nodes on the section
– Control
o Changing the name of the selected section
o Verification of the reliability of data on equipment stations


2. Module for entering and recording road phenomena, signaling and road equipment

o Entry of road phenomena according to the codes defined by the Methodology on the formation of a database on state roads
o Input of new carriers and signs or data on existing carriers and signs
o Entering data on existing markings on the roadway in the drawing
o Data entry on existing traffic equipment on the drawing

When selecting the element type for which data is to be entered, fields with the relevant data to enter appear on each of the sheets.

All elements are converted into AutoCAD blocks, which allow easier connection to the database.


On the sheets with sign carrier elements and vertical traffic signaling signs, there are a large number of predefined elements that can be easily entered into the drawing.

The elements, after they have been entered once, can be additionally changed, that is, the data associated with the elements can be changed.

All entered elements are connected to the road sections, in relation to which they are placed, which enables a hierarchical and organizational model that is necessary for the mutual functioning of the data as a database.

3. Module for designing horizontal signaling

o Longitudinal lines (dashed, continuous, guide line,…)
o Cross lines: Pedestrian crossings, stop line…
o Arrows for directing traffic
o Road markings (SCHOOL, STOP, BUS, TAXI,…)


4. Module for recording traffic accidents

o Entering data on participants, cause, consequences and a brief description of each accident
o Modification of already entered traffic accident data

5. Data IMPORT / EXPORT module

For all elements entered through the KaPuSaO program package, it is possible to provide data import and export to an external XML (eXtended Markup language) file, which can be further used as a protocol for working with other databases.

In the file created in this way, it is possible to save all the data entered through the KaPuSaO program, and the format of printing to the file enables the readability of all data even without specialist software.

As one of the types of summary reports for entire sections and their inventory, it is possible to display a line inventory within AutoCAD, based on selected elements from the drawing, or from an external XML file containing data on the elements of the sections to be displayed.


6. KaPuSaO – GPS Video Module for connecting and georeferencing GPS videos (dynamically recorded geodetic bases)

The connection and georeferencing of GPS videos, with CAD drawings within the KaPuSaO program, was developed according to the specific methodological and technological settings of the specialized recording vehicle, which was designed and perfected by the expert team of VIA Inženjering from Novi Sad.

Connecting the video with the active section of the road within the CAD drawing is done with the selection of specially formatted files with GPS data from GPS receivers and GPS video cameras, paired with a unique UTC time code, which allows achieving submeter precision on the surface recorded in this way.

After connecting all the data with the defined road section, the program allows opening a separate window with a window for viewing video material (two directions of movement are connected – forward and backward according to the direction of the station), which while running shows a clear marker of the position in the CAD drawing, as well as the position separately calibrated video camera reticles also within the CAD drawing. Of course, inside the window there is also an option to jump to the desired location that we show directly inside the CAD drawing, and during the entire time working with the video file, AutoCAD is active and it is possible to freely draw and continue working in AutoCAD, without the need to pause/stop or leaving the window with the video file